Drone Command SUV




Dual-Purpose Platform

MAVERICK is a versatile dual-purpose solution that seamlessly transitions between serving as a regular patrol vehicle and a powerful Command and Control (C2) hub for unmanned systems. It can also function as a Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (MANET) node, ensuring reliable connectivity for any operation.

A Cost-Effective Solution

Designed to maximize efficiency without sacrificing functionality, MAVERICK is a compact yet powerful alternative to conventional command vehicles, ensuring optimal performance at a budget-friendly cost.

Rapid Response

MAVERICK can be assigned to a zone patrol unit, enabling unmanned systems teams to respond rapidly to incidents.

Maverick's Origins

We saw a large demand from public safety agencies for a drone command vehicle that integrates into the fleet, is easy to deploy, and can be used as a daily driver. We answered with Maverick, a compact platform with the capabilities of a larger command vehicle available at an accessible price point.

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