June 15, 2024

Mavic 2 Battery Care & Maintenance for Police and First Responders

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Proper battery maintenance is crucial for police and first responders using the Mavic 2 drone.

This guide focuses on avoiding over-discharge and ensuring optimal battery performance, extending the battery's life, and maintaining the drone's reliability during critical missions.

Understanding Over-Discharge

  • Battery self-discharge occurs when the battery is left idle for storage
  • Over-discharging happens when the battery level drops below 10% and continues discharging
  • Long-term over-discharge can cause permanent damage to the battery cell, rendering it unusable

Avoiding Over-Discharge

For storage periods of 10 days or longer:

  • Discharge the battery to 40% - 65%
  • Store in a dry and cool place (22°C-28°C)

Charge and discharge the battery completely at least every three months.

After fully charging, mount the battery to the aircraft and consume the level to 65% for storage

Servicing Your Battery

  • For storage periods of 10 days or longer, discharge the battery to 40%-65% (until LED 3 lights up or blinks)
  • Charge and discharge the battery about every three months to maintain active materials' good condition and extend battery life
  • Always store the Intelligent Flight Battery in a well-ventilated place

If the battery enters hibernation mode due to depletion and extended storage, recharge it to bring it out of hibernation

By understanding the risks of over-discharge and following proper battery maintenance procedures, police and first responders can ensure their Mavic 2 drone's battery remains in optimal condition.

This not only extends the battery's life but also maintains the drone's reliability during critical missions, allowing you to focus on saving lives and maintaining safety.

FAQs for Mavic 2 Battery Care & Maintenance

How often should I charge and discharge my Mavic 2 battery for optimal performance?

To maintain the battery's active materials in good condition and extend its lifetime, it's recommended to charge and discharge the battery completely at least every three months. This practice helps ensure the battery remains in optimal condition for your critical missions.

What should I do if I won't be using my Mavic 2 battery for an extended period?

If you won't be using your Mavic 2 battery for 10 days or longer, discharge it to a 40%-65% state of charge (until LED 3 lights up or blinks) before storing it in a dry and cool place (22°C-28°C). This helps prevent over-discharge, which can cause permanent damage to the battery cell.

What should I do if my battery becomes damaged or starts swelling?

If you notice any damage, swelling, or significant change in battery performance, stop using it immediately. Swollen or damaged batteries can be hazardous and should be disposed of following local regulations. Contact DJI support for guidance on replacement.

How can I bring my Mavic 2 battery out of hibernation mode?

If your battery has been depleted and stored for an extended period, it may enter hibernation mode. To bring it out of hibernation, simply recharge the battery. This will restore the battery's normal function and allow you to use it again.

Is it safe to use third-party batteries or charging accessories with my Mavic 2?

For the safety and reliability of your operations, it's highly recommended to use only DJI-approved batteries and charging accessories. Third-party products may not meet the same safety and performance standards, potentially leading to operational failures or safety hazards. Always store your Intelligent Flight Battery in a well-ventilated place to ensure optimal performance and safety.

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