September 12, 2024

The Essential Role of Drone Training Programs for Law Enforcement

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As the public safety landscape continues to evolve, operations within this industry must remain agile and skilled enough to meet shifting demands. Drones and other robotic solutions offer unparalleled advantages in varied public safety operations, including overwatch, search and rescue, tactical operations, crime scene analysis and more.

However, while increased drone integration has already modernized and optimized many law enforcement organizations, continued proper training is the key to maximizing human-machine team operations.

The Rising Demand for Drone Integration in Law Enforcement  

Undeniably, the usage of drones in law enforcement settings has seen a dramatic increase over the past few years.

According to a report by the Bard College Center for the Study of the Drone, drone usage by public safety agencies increased by over 500% between 2016 and 2020. As a desire to keep both the public and law enforcement officers safe as calls for service grows, drones and other robotic solutions have become essential tools to enhance operational efficiency.

Drones provide a unique vantage point during operations, and one that has been previously accessible only through costly and inaccessible methods, such as helicopter surveillance and overwatch. These machines are instrumental to safe resolutions in situations that might traditionally pose a danger to public safety personnel. Advanced drone capabilities help improve operational efficiency in various ways, significantly reducing risks to officers and civilians alike.

The Tactical Bubble: Robotics, Human-Machine Teaming, and Drone Operations 

As public safety operations modernize, integration becomes an even more critical capability in the technology operators utilize. Humans, robots, and drones can work together to create safer, more effective operational teams: this is what drives the Tactical Bubble concept.

Evolving robotic and uncrewed capabilities come with an influx of previously inaccessible data. While this data collection is valuable, it also brings a new set of challenges: new data streams need to be ingested, organized, analyzed, shared, and actioned in near-real time to be truly effective. While this requires a very different sort of education than hardware or software training, it is equally important that both the technology and the data collection become second-nature to an operator.

Successful integration of this evolving technology is crucial, but the first step is learning how to use each piece of the Tac Bubble with confidence. Technology always has some potential to go awry; the key is to understand the technology and its potential shortcomings well enough to troubleshoot in high-stress situations and environments.

It’s impossible to prevent the unpredictable.

The solution?

Comprehensive training that teaches operators how to predict everything that can go wrong within the Tac Bubble so that failure points can either be prevented proactively or fixed in the field when they occur.

Customized Drone Training for Law Enforcement Agencies  

Effective operations start with effective training. As an industry, public safety has very specific needs, and mission-critical training is vital to the success and growth of a UAS program. Public safety operators must also learn to navigate complex legal and ethical considerations, including privacy concerns and civil liberties, especially as UAS programs expand.

A FLYMOTION education combines traditional classroom learning with specialized hands-on, scenario-based experiences. With drone and robotics technology evolving quickly, and more data being funneled directly to the user, an operator’s practical knowledge must expand constantly.

Drone technology significantly improves public safety operations and communications by providing law enforcement agencies with real-time intelligence gathering capabilities and extended response reach that minimize risk to human beings. Drones offer a unique aerial perspective, making it easier to locate missing persons, monitor large crowds, and investigate accidents more efficiently, enhancing both the efficacy of law enforcement operations and the safety of officers and civilians alike. 

The Importance of Specialized Training   

The peak of success for a drone training program is that operators actually use the technology. After a training course, an operator should feel confident in managing all aspects of their equipment in every situation, leading to an increased number of deployments. Leveraging successful deployments can help garner further support and funding for a UAS program.

A customizable training program, such as that offered by FLYMOTION, ensures that clients gain valuable theoretical and practical knowledge that works for their specific operations. In fact, public safety operators must learn more than basic flight control skills; they will often have to navigate complex legal, ethical, and tactical considerations unique to their operations while minimizing potential risks to privacy and civil liberties.

Rather than depend on an out-of-the-box, generic curriculum, FLYMOTION’s expert trainers work with your agency directly to meet your needs.

FLYMOTION training courses are developed specifically for drone and robotics operators within public safety and defense sectors, so each module is hyper-relevant to the unique needs of these organizations. FLYMOTION’s training enables students to gain a strategic advantage in the field by learning how to execute precise missions, adhere to regulations, manage risks, and maintain drones in proper deployment conditions.

These training modules are vital for leveraging sophisticated drone capabilities in surveillance, reconnaissance, and tactical operations, providing a significant boost to operational capabilities and mission success rates. 

Elevating Training Standards   

FLYMOTION provides the highest quality of instruction, with a catalog of courses that are accredited by reputable institutions. 

  • Expertise and Experience: For over a decade, FLYMOTION has specialized in uncrewed systems, technology solutions, system integration, and providing customizable, advanced training programs. FLYMOTION’s expertise in air, ground, and maritime robotic technology, alongside dedicated in-house training, research, and development teams, ensures unmatched training and system integration capabilities. 
  • Advanced Curriculum: FLYMOTION’s training covers essential basics such as FAA regulations, flight operations, risk management, and data collection, and it also dives deeply into operational and tactical deployment training modules. These modules enable a flexible approach to training through existing modules or through the development of new courses to meet specific program needs. 
  • Proven Track Record: FLYMOTION has a demonstrated history of successful partnerships with US and partner military forces and defense organizations, support teams, government entities, public safety agencies, and more.

FLYMOTION follows National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) best practices in creating training programs for drone pilots. NIST test methods for sUAS allow instructors to objectively measure and compare system capabilities and remote pilot proficiency, which is a huge step forward in standardizing basic skills tests to ensure that remote pilots can operate drones safely in the air.

FLYMOTION is also a top-tier sponsor of the unparalleled UTAC training event that occurs annually in October, which serves as a showcase of innovation and allows public safety, government and defense professionals to engage with their peers alongside industry experts. An immersive training experience, UTAC enables operators to train in real-world conditions, providing crucial instruction and practice in scenarios that mimic high-stakes situations while minimizing risk. 

FLYMOTION can train at various locations either domestically or internationally: 

  • On-site training at our headquarters in Tampa, Florida 
  • Off-site training at the location of your choice 

Setting the Standard  

UAS and robotics technologies are redefining public safety agencies and defense organizations. Comprehensive, specialized training programs pave the way for a more connected future. FLYMOTION’s training program enables unparalleled advancement of human-robotic teaming and the Tac Bubble, enhancing safety, communications, and intelligence gathering at all levels of an operation.

Ready to take the next step?

Gain a strategic advantage in the field and revolutionize your operations: book your training with FLYMOTION today.

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